My dear friend from Canada inspired me for my today self love treat. She loves the sweet, but her general condition went so down, that she had to cut the sugar from the health point of view. Let s think about it. We don t need the refinet sugar in our menu. It is actually quite poisoning for our system: insulin spikes, candida, cavities, wrinkles, osteoporosis, cravings, belly fat, getting "hyper" and so on.
From yoga point of view, I m just coming back to basics, and I feel like "Let's Niyamas for few days."
If I decide to cut the sugar from my diet for 3 weeks, I will definitely work on Sauca, purity. One of the aim of the yoga is to get rid of impurities from body and mind, and the sugar is bringing both. Not only the body react in the sick way, but also the mind getting attached on sweet taste, spending energy on cravings and struggling can have more peace without sugar income.
Samtosa, contentement. I can put in practice, if I stop to crave the ice-cream of my kids and I can be content with what I have, it will free me from the suffering of attachment on the external things to bring me, I have to admit that a big portion of pistachio ice cream CAN bring me happiness...of course, for little moment :)
Tapas (asceticism) is a yogic practice of intense self-discipline and attainment of will power...aha, there is not need any more explanation, I guess...not to eat sugar is ALL about Tapas.!
Svadhyaya, self study. Here I have a great opportunity to observe and learn from my reactions how am I clinging, how I can be attached, how I can let my mind be the boss and how my senses can manage my life instead being in control myself. Because to struggle and think half of my time about sugar, ice cream and chocolate, it is still a lot of energy being given to it...let s observe how I can handle! Hmmmmm, chocolate meditation...
Ishvara Pranidhana, devotion and surrender of the fruits of our effort to higher power. I always struggle with this one, but after little reflex ion I just had the feeling that I can apply this principle too. I m living the experience of learning, and I share it with you, surrendering the fruits of my effort to you...and you are all of divine the higer power!
Little revision of basics...of course in my personal interpretation, and now driving to the trampoline camp to celebrate my son's birthday. My car is loaded of sweets !
I will tell you tommorrow how my practice went:):):)
Do you want to try too?
From yoga point of view, I m just coming back to basics, and I feel like "Let's Niyamas for few days."
If I decide to cut the sugar from my diet for 3 weeks, I will definitely work on Sauca, purity. One of the aim of the yoga is to get rid of impurities from body and mind, and the sugar is bringing both. Not only the body react in the sick way, but also the mind getting attached on sweet taste, spending energy on cravings and struggling can have more peace without sugar income.
Samtosa, contentement. I can put in practice, if I stop to crave the ice-cream of my kids and I can be content with what I have, it will free me from the suffering of attachment on the external things to bring me, I have to admit that a big portion of pistachio ice cream CAN bring me happiness...of course, for little moment :)
Tapas (asceticism) is a yogic practice of intense self-discipline and attainment of will power...aha, there is not need any more explanation, I guess...not to eat sugar is ALL about Tapas.!
Svadhyaya, self study. Here I have a great opportunity to observe and learn from my reactions how am I clinging, how I can be attached, how I can let my mind be the boss and how my senses can manage my life instead being in control myself. Because to struggle and think half of my time about sugar, ice cream and chocolate, it is still a lot of energy being given to it...let s observe how I can handle! Hmmmmm, chocolate meditation...
Ishvara Pranidhana, devotion and surrender of the fruits of our effort to higher power. I always struggle with this one, but after little reflex ion I just had the feeling that I can apply this principle too. I m living the experience of learning, and I share it with you, surrendering the fruits of my effort to you...and you are all of divine the higer power!
Little revision of basics...of course in my personal interpretation, and now driving to the trampoline camp to celebrate my son's birthday. My car is loaded of sweets !
I will tell you tommorrow how my practice went:):):)
Do you want to try too?
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