Free Hug Yoga

Free Hug Yoga

Monday, August 8, 2011

Self Love - Day 7

Do you try to be this perfect nice little girl that you were conditioned by your education to be?
If yes, you have some amount of anger in your system. Today, we will get it all OUT.


Take a pen, white sheet of paper, and just start to write. Whatever comes to your mind, that make you angry. Spit it for your own sake. How you are pissed off with him, because he did not answer your email. How you can t see her anymore, because she is talking too much. How you feel hurt, because your parents just don t care...and that you hate your boss.
At the end, just tear apart the paper with your anger and trow it in the garbage, burn it, whatever, but don t keep it with you.

Let it OUT, then let it GO.

Clean the system of your anger and have a fabulous day!

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